
Back in the nineteenth century,
German immigrants to the
American Midwest brought with
them traditions and recipes from
the 'Old Country'. One of these
was a delectable German sausage
known as Bratwurst.
While growing up in Wisconsin, George Wittkopp
came to think of Bratwurst as a normal part of life.
Bratwurst, or "German sausage" was great served
as a breakfast sausage or grilled as a barbecue
However, upon migrating to Oregon in 1977, George
discovered that the unmatched dining experience of
real, genuine Bratwurst was unavailable in the Pacific
Northwest, so he set about recreating that very special
Bratwurst he remembered. Years of effort and
experimenting with old family recipes were finally
crowned with success. He named his creation
'Altengartz' ® Bratwurst after the
German town which was the ancestral home of the
Wittkopp family.
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