Our logo incorporates the official colors of the Republic of Germany - black, red, and gold superimposed on the map of Germany. When the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany was being written in 1949, its authors rejected the flags of black, red, and white which had characterized the Third Reich (1933-1945) and the Second Reich (1871-1919). Instead, Germans turned to the black-red-gold flag which had been official in Germany from 1919 to 1933. This flag had originated in the early 19th century when Germany was still divided into dozens of independent and semi-independent states.
The town of Altengartz (or Alt Gaartz - now called Rerik) is contained within the Duchy of Mecklenburg, which is north of Brandenburg, extending to the Baltic Coast. In 1878, the Wittkopp family emigrated from the town of Altengartz and the Wustrow Peninsula, which juts into the Baltic Sea with Altengartz at its base. The letter A on the logo shows you the site of the town.
Altengartz is a seacoast resort town surrounded by farmland. It is
a delightful summertime retreat for Germans, just as Altengartz® Sausage is a delightful treat for everyone - summertime or anytime.